The property is now part of the North Central Urban Area District (“NCUAD”). As part of the NCUAD, the property is designated “Mc-Center” allowing up to 12 stories with a residential density of up to 90 units per acre “as of right” BG33169 is on 1.93 net acres, so this equates to an estimated 174 units by right, density can be furtherrnincreased by 25% by providing a workforce component. In addition, due to BG33169’s proximity to the new Golden Glades Multimodal Transportation facility, existing bus stops and The Golden Glades Tri-Rail Station, it is eligible for parking reduction of up to 30%. And if developing a TOD project an even higher density. Prime space for Mixed Use Developementrnmay be obtained. Also a retail component maybe developed in a mixed used project.